How to Join PYC

Applicants for membership must be sponsored by at least two members in good standing who have been members for at least two years. Sponsors must have known the applicant for at least 2 years. The application form must be obtained from a sponsor, and both sponsors will complete part of the application.

Before filing, applicants must have attended, with their sponsor(s), at least two different regularly scheduled PYC events and volunteer for one event within 12 months including, but not limited to, dinners, breakfasts, club cruises, pre- and post-season work parties or docks-in or docks-out with one or both sponsors, with the object of meeting as many of the Membership Committee, Flag Officers, and members of the Board of Directors. Each sponsor must attend at least one of these events. The application can be submitted to the secretary with a $1,575 application fee as soon as this requirement has been met.

Because we are limited to 250 active memberships, there is frequently a wait list for new members. While on the wait list, applicants will receive our regular newsletters. While we regret that we cannot grant full club privileges to wait list members, we do encourage them to attend our social functions, as a guest of a sponsor or another member.

Currently, annual dues are $1,050 per year. For members joining after August 1 of any year, the dues are prorated to 50% of the full year’s amount. There are added fees for lockers, dinghy-dock spaces, launch service, and slips or moorings. Dues and fees are set by the Board of Directors and are subject to change.

Each June, new members for the season are given a hearty welcome by Flag Officers and members with a cocktail party in their honor.